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Choosing EPM Queries - "HELP" List by Category

Requested Category:  Retirement Payroll
Please click the name of the report which best meets your needs in order to link to its corresponding Report Catalog entry.

If you want to:Then run this report:
Lists equity refundedEquity Refunded
Query returns a list of deceased retirees as entered on the custom Retirement pageDeceased Retirees
The purpose of this query is to list new retiree accounts added.New Retiree Accounts
The Retirement Payroll Addresses query displays current address information for retirees.Retiree Addresses
This query displays 10 year cert ending in 3 months as of the date entered.10 Year Cert Ending in 3 Months
This query displays 20 year cert ending in 3 months as of the date entered.20 Year Cert Ending in 3 Months
This query displays accounts receivable goal amounts and balances.Accounts Receivable Goal Amounts and Balances
This query displays accounts receivable posted by checkAccounts Receivable Posted by Check
This query displays credit union deductionsCredit Union Deductions
This query displays retirees in the Plan B, age 62 Retirement OptionPlan B, Age 62 Retirement Option
This query displays retirees in the Plan B, age 66 Retirement OptionPlan B, Age 66 Retirement Option
This query displays union dues listing - CEUICEUI Union Dues

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