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Choosing EPM Queries - "HELP" List by Category

Requested Category:  Payroll
Please click the name of the report which best meets your needs in order to link to its corresponding Report Catalog entry.

If you want to:Then run this report:
Analyze detailed payroll information by department and pay periodDetail Payroll for Year End
Identify furlough hours and amounts by department and pay periodEE furlough hrs & amount
Identify hours and amounts coded to the earn code RFDEE vac in lieu of furlough day
Reconcile payroll summary and GL trial balance.Pay Summ & GL Reonciliation
To find additional pay entriesAddl pay by ee, dept, or erncd
To find additional pay entriesAddl pay by ee, dept, or erncd
To find additional pay entries; prompts on employee id, department and earnings codeAddl pay by ee, dept, or erncd
To find additional pay entries; prompts on employee id, department and earnings codeAddl pay by ee, dept, or erncd
To find total hours and total pay by department and pay end dateAll Pay & Hours - Dept & Date
To identify account code discrepancies between payroll and position dataAccount Code discrepancies POS to PAY
Verify all deductions by employee and pay periodEmployee payroll deductions

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